Health care effect: By massaging the acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, health care effects can be achieved. The acupuncture points on the soles of the feet are closely related to various parts and organs of the body. Massaging these acupuncture points can stimulate the body's meridians, promote the circulation of blood, and improve the symptoms of physical ailments. Long-term use can effectively relieve fatigue, improve sleep and strengthen the body's immune system.
Convenience: Specially designed acupuncture diagram socks with marked points on the soles of the feet, allowing users to locate acupuncture points independently without professional training. This enables self-massage at any time and location, making it a convenient and practical solution.
Personalized customization: Some acupuncture massage socks can also be customised according to the user's personal needs and health status, making the massage more accurate and effective.
Package Include: 1 orange acupressure pen, 1 wing-shaped massager and 1 pair of socks
Comfort: Acupoint diagram massage socks are usually made of high-quality materials that are soft, comfortable and have good breathability, ensuring that users enjoy a comfortable wearing experience while massaging.